
 I have recently seen the uprise of underconsumption core on TikTok. I thought the commentary around it was interesting and I wanted to put my two cents in.

As someone who was raised on a budget and charity shops and saving up for things I wanted when I had my first proper job in 2005 and I could afford to buy what I wanted I started going crazy. I

I didn’t buy designer stuff but I was always shopping. I admit the habit has not stopped but these days I am a lot more considerate about what I am buying and why do I want the item.

When I moved back home after my first year of university we couldn’t fit everything in the car. When I left and started living with my husband we had a room for my clothes. That room was a mess for a year, we jokingly allied it messatopia and I was seriously ashamed!

Since 2019, I slowly culled and cleared by selling and donating and giving stuff to friends and family. However, my shoppping itself didn’t really calm down until 2022. I had to move house and was faced with the amount of stuff I own. I cleared about 30% of my wardrobe before the move and over the last two years I have continued to clear and think about what I want. I have never really been trend led but I wanted not a capsule wardrobe but one that has pieces that all work together. I still go shopping but I consider what I want how often I am going to wear it or how much I genuinely love the piece. I cleared a massive bag collection and replaced it with mostly second hand higher end items that I wanted for years. I kept the pieces I truly loved and no I wear and adore all of my bags. I really enjoy my accessories now. The same has happened with my wardrobe I cleared what doesn’t fit and suit me and kept everything I really wanted. A big part of this is I used to have a lot of clothes for work but as I am remote now, I no longer need so much business casual clothing. The next purge will be the shoes I randomly acquired.

I don’t throw things away. I donate through reputable businesses and local charities and friends and family. I also care for and maintain the pieces I own through care products, proper washing and storage and a great cobbler!

So my feedback on this trend, don’t throw things away unless they are out of date and unsafe to use. Look at what you have and think about how you can change it? A tailor? Can you put it with something else? I think so many people are suddenly trying to mass declutter without considering the root of the point of it. Look after what you have, use products up until they are empty, learn how to maintain and repair what you  have or find those who can.


Learn basic sewing for things like small holes and buttons 

Find a cobbler for shoes and bags

Look up leather maintenance products 

Find a great tailor [this is how I had a handmade dress fixed because the elastic in the bodice had gone with age]

Learn how to dye stuff. I have dyed shoes, bags and clothes over the years to extend their life and change them up. I once dyed a bag from pale purple to dark blue. I recently dyed a River Island dress from white to black. This is a great way to age your favourite black jeans!

Check the condition of your things periodically if they need anything to help them?

Shopping habits

If you want something trendy have you considered trying to find it or something similar second hand. I saw a new look 60s style dress I liked and found an old Miss Selfridge version on vinted.

Try to invest in quality materials over synthetic and learn to wash and storm your clothes properly. Watch out for moths on wool, silk etc.

Invest in quality staples, my main go to bags are an old satchel backpack I bought in 2012, a black leather back pack from 2018 and a second hand Kate spade tote. Both backpacks have been to my cobbler for repair.

I encourage people to learn more about underconsumption but I also encourage you to understand why you want to do it and how to make it a permanent and better way of living!

On that note my blog is filled with tips on saving stuff and I will be collating a list of resources for the above to help you on your journey. I am a big fan of backing up what I have to say.

Happy Sunday and thank you for reading.

Thank you

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